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Image by Galen Juliusson
Black Chips

Amazon Keyword Research

Boosting your Visibility Through Expert Keyword Research  is crucial for searchability and conversions on Amazon.


Research shows product listings with targeted keywords see a 16% higher conversion rate and 10% more sales. ( Source: Helium 10)


Our robust keyword research identifies the exact high-performing phrases and terms your potential customers are searching for.


By optimizing your Amazon listings to directly target these keywords, your reach expands exponentially.

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Why Amazon Keyword Research is Crucial?

Keyword research is a crucial foundation for optimizing product listings on Amazon. Identifying the specific phrases and terms customers use when searching allows you to directly target those keywords in your titles, bullets, descriptions and backend search terms.


This significantly expands your product's visibility and reach to connect with high-intent shoppers.


Without optimal keyword targeting, your listings can completely miss ranking for thousands of lucrative searches. Amazon's A10 algorithm heavily weights keywords to determine the most relevant products for each search query. Maximizing keywords aligned to consumer search behavior is key to driving traffic and conversions.

Image by Mak
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Our Process

Comprehensive 4-step methodology to identify the optimal keywords


Analyze Search Volume


The first step is identifying keywords with sufficient search volume to drive consistent traffic to your listings. We leverage tools like Helium10 to determine monthly search volumes for relevant keywords.


High-volume keywords (500+ searches per month) capable of driving visits at scale are selected. We also capture longer-tail keyword variants with lower volumes (50-500 searches) that aggregate to deliver incremental traffic.


Evaluate Keyword Intent

Next we analyze the customer intent behind keywords. Certain terms indicate buyers are ready to purchase, while others reflect early research stages.


We focus on high-intent keywords like specific product names, brands, and model numbers. Generic low-funnel terms are deprioritized to maximize conversions.


Assess Relevance

Relevance is crucial for ranking well and connecting with the right buyers. We thoroughly assess which keywords are most relevant to each specific product and its target customer personas.


For example, "ergonomic office chairs" would be highly relevant for a premium desk chair but not a bean bag. We select keywords in tune with product positioning.


Determine Competitiveness

Finally, we evaluate keyword difficulty and competitiveness on Amazon. We leverage tools like SEMrush to understand which highly relevant keywords are less competitive.


Optimizing for these terms where rankings are attainable provides the best opportunity to climb Amazon search results and boost visibility.

Grow Your Brand with Keywords

Get Your Hands On Top Performing Keywords With Our Keyword Research Services For Amazon.

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